01 October, 2021

Faith vs Fear

I know I don’t have to tell anyone this, but this whole COVID situation has people living in absolute fear. I mean paralyzing fear. I see people wearing gloves and mask as they are walking alone down the sidewalk. People have literally jumped away if they thought I was within their 6 foot zone. I know people who have become prisoners in their own homes. I recent spoke to someone who has not been anywhere, other than to his doctor since whole thing began in March of 2020!  And here’s the thing: fear and faith work diametrically opposed to one another. Fear cancels faith. You cannot operate in faith when you have fear controling your life. And without faith it is impossible to please God! We must decide, is God able or isn’t He? Are God’s promise reliable or is that just religious speak? I cannot speak for anyone else, but I put my faith and my life  in God’s hands.

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