Our local rag... er, I mean newspaper, published an article written by Stuart Allision, a professor at the far-left leaning Knox College, in which he proclaims that America needs to follow the plan used in Australia in combating COVID and using the restrictions they have used. He claims that Australia has done a far superior job of managing the virus and even claims the people there are more concerned for their neighbors than we are in America. There's one problem with his article... It's a lie! Australia is currently in the grips of violent protests in the streets as the people are absolutely fed up with governmental overreach. Allison even mentions how Australia removed the right to gun ownership and that was just a loving thing to do out of concern for your neighbor. But if you will tune out the American media and tune into the news broadcasts from Australia you will discover that the PEOPLE of Australia and hailing the Americans (and yes, Donald Trump) for refusing to bow to the left. The newscasters routinely denounce their own government and applaud the likes of Rand Paul for daring to call Fauci a liar. What Stuart Allision is not-so-subtly saying is that America needs totalitarian control and socialism. People in American had better wake up and wake up fast or we will awaken one day to realize that we slept while they overthrew our government with people like Stuart Allison cheering them on all the while.
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