01 October, 2021

Stand On Your Word!

There is really nothing that quite compares to receiving a Word from the Lord where you have a promise that you know is from the Lord. It’s exciting and uplifting to us, often at times where we have been in a period of intense struggle or difficulty. A  Word in due season changes everything. But I’ve seen many give up on their Word or promise because there was a fight to attain its fulfillment. Just tonight someone told me the Devil stole their promise. Uh… NO!  You abandoned it! Please understand that the Devil challenge your Word. He will try to make you doubt your Word and to walk away from it, BUT.,, the Devil does NOT have the power to change a Word God has given you, nor to steal your Word. Satan has one weapon and one weapon only… deception! He gets into your mind and deceives you into thinking you’ve blown it, or that God lied. He makes you doubt through his lies and deceit so that you abandon the promise. This is exactly what happened to the children of Israel when then arrived at their promise… the Promised Land. They saw it. The heard the reports about what a great land it was… but Satan clouded their vision with doubt and the saw themselves beaten by the inhabitants of the land, even though God had promised that it was already theirs… and they abandoned their promise. 
When God gives you a Word, stand on it. No matter what comes against you, remind yourself that it is already yours and fight for that promise KNOWING that it is already yours and you just have to lay hold of it!

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