I was chatting with someone earlier today and the words they said to me were pretty much a slap in the face type wake up call. This woman said, "I wish I could get to the place where you are and everything just came so simple and nature spiritually." It caused me to realize that I've slipped or failed. I generally try to be an open book and allow people to see the real me. I want people to know that I am far from perfect and that I often struggle with doing the right thing and keeping my spiritual fires burning. I guess maybe I've not spoken enough about this, because here was this woman, who I've only known a relatively short time thinking that I've "got it all together" in a spiritual sense and that serving God was like a walk in the park. I had to quickly undo that thinking. I began to share with her, not so much details as to what issues I struggle with, only that I do struggle. I did share some real situations and I confessed to her that there are days, even weeks and months where it is all I can do to keep going. I shared with her that the saying "one day at a time" has literally been "one moment at a time" for me in trying to reign in the fleshly man and desires. I shared with her that this walk with God is really a step by step thing where He gives us the grace and strength to make just one more step, and I said to her that there have been times that one step was all I had in me! I can't speak for anyone else, but there have been times in my journey with Christ that one step in the right direction was a miracle in itself! I've literally thanked God for helping to make that one step in the right direction. Sometimes it does come easy... but for heaven's sake, I've been serving the Lord now for almost 38 years! But the struggle is still real. The flesh gets weak and the devil is sly and cunning in how he comes at us. Again, I'm not going to try to speak for others, but I personally believe that the moment that I think I've "mastered" anything is the day I'm setting myself up for a fall. Even after years of not drinking, I know better than to put myself into situations where I invite temptations. I don't put myself into situations where I leave the door open for satan to throw me a curve and I find myself falling into sin. We must always keep our guard up and just keep taking the next step, always asking the Holy Spirit to lead and guide our footsteps.
I hope this helped someone today!
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