The following article is from the "Mut Zur Wahrheit" (Courage to Be Truthful") a German website. This is a rough translation of the original article. The things we see in America are happening around the world, setting the stage for a New World Order under one government. Get ready!
The EU wants to monitor "intolerant citizens" who do not meet the EU requirements for "tolerance". Young people are to be re-educated.
Inter-EU walls is concocted a new "supervisor". The EU wants to monitor "intolerant citizens" The European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR) has presented a draft of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament, he should be prepared for adoption with the clever title...: "European Framework National Statutes for the Promotion of Tolerance". The disturbing proposal would require European governments to monitor citizens, which are regarded as "intolerant". This could therefore lead to a ban on all criticism of Islam or feminism. According to critical observers provides this statute an "unprecedented threat the fundamental right to freedom of speech "is and could ultimately lead to the right to freedom of expression in Europe is severely restricted. Because some critical voices against Islam and Islamic law, Sharia could be banned. This is the goal Muslim activist groups have been working for more than two decades. Article 4 of the proposed Regulation is revealing: "... there is no reason to be tolerant to intolerant people. This is particularly important when the law is touched to freedom of expression, freedom of speech, "The extermination of Intolerance in other words precedence over the right to freedom of expression of millions of European citizens, it gets even better!. Is in the draft states that "members of vulnerable or disadvantaged groups enjoy in addition to the general protection to which the Government is committed to any person within the state with respect to, nor special protection." This is based on the claim, the right to freedom of expression of European citizens must be limited so that no "additional" rights of minorities are affected by "intolerant" remarks. The mere satire would be prohibited. Here, too, "Big Brother", coupled with bureaucracy: The framework statute calls for the establishment of a "special administrative unit" in each of the 28 EU Member States, is to supervise the enforcement of and compliance with the statute. It will be the Ministry of Justice of the country under the direct and may impose penalties. In addition to in each country a "National Commission for monitoring of Tolerance" to "promote tolerance" will be created.
The draft also calls for "re-education" of people who are classified as intolerant. "Young people who have committed crimes and were sentenced, are obliged to undergo a rehabilitation program through which they shall have instilled a culture of tolerance."
Schools will be required from the primary school to the government, "to encourage students in the classroom to accept difference and diversity and to promote a climate of tolerance to the qualities and cultures of others."
What is quite welcome in theory, but in practice means that any form of criticism of totalitarian religions and ways of life is prevented and that the insistence but to be subjected to a homeland or regional identity.
Brussels connoisseurs fear that this statute has great chances to be waved through and decided. Because in 2001 the EU declared that it had the right to take action against their critics. The gradual introduction of the muzzle is completely could well prevent any more.
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