27 December, 2014

I Am A Truly Blessed Man

As I sit here winding down and getting ready to head to bed, my mind is focused on the fact that tomorrow my bride and I will celebrate our 29th wedding anniversary. That is really hard for me to wrap my brain around. We were just two crazy kids back in 1985 who fell in love and against the advice of most people, we decided to get married. We had only known each other for 8 weeks when we stood at that altar in Brookport, Illinois and pledged our lives to one another. Crazy for sure, but we both knew that this was it, and that God had put us into each others lives for a purpose. Very few gave us a chance to make it at all, and they were quite vocal about it. But 29 years later, here we are. It has not always been easy. Financially, I look back and wonder how in the world we survived those early years. But with God's help, we did. We are certainly not wealthy, we have our share of debt and like many families wonder just how we are going to make it, but God has blessed us so much and we've learned that there is absolutely nothing that life or hell itself can throw at us that we cannot make it through with the help and strength of our God. I still wonder sometimes why she would choose to marry me. When we got married I was an ex-con who was still on parole and had nothing financially to offer to her. All I had was me... and she took it. I am so glad she did. It's been a wonderful ride. We have two beautiful children who make us prouder than any parent has a right to be. We have  a boat load of wonderful memories to see us through in old age. But most of all, we have each other and our faith in God. And that will see us through. Thanks for 29 wonderful years Libby. I don't deserve you... but I'm glad you are mine. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...
