03 April, 2012

God Loves You

I have discovered that the thing that keeps people from receiving God's best for their lives is that they do not have an understanding of God's love for them. This is not only true of those in the world that do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior, I've come to realize that there are a lot of people sitting in our churches who are still not yet convinced that God really loves them.  They may know that the Bible says God loves them, but they have never received a personal revelation of God's love in their own spirit. Over the years of walking in relationship with God, I have come to an understanding that every good thing that God does for us is simply because of His love for us. Until you get this settled in your spirit, you will not be able to receive all of God's best for your life. You see, it is His love for you is your basis for true faith in Him. A person cannot fully believe God for anything if they aren't first convinced that He really loves them. Believing that God loves us is the foundation for receiving from God. I believe that love is the most compelling characteristic of the nature of God.

We are told in 1 John 4:8,"God is love." Love is what He is and love is what motivates Him... and we are the objects of His love. While many people, when thinking of God, would think first of power and might, John tells us, "God is love."  While God is certainly all powerful... I find it an imperative that we recognize that God is love.   Love is what lies behind His power... it's what motivates Him to use His power on our behalf.
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy. Psalm 145:8 (NKJV)

A key point that we must all begin to comprehend is simply this: There is nothing you can do to stop God from loving you.
And because He loves us so much, He'll use His power whenever necessary to meet a need in our lives. God loves you and He wants your life to be fulfilled. Jesus said, "I have told you these things that you may be filled with my joy, and that your joy may overflow."  In another place, he said that he came that we might have life, and that life might be the abundant life.  Why would he say these things? Because he loves you that much! Why would God show you His favor? Because He loves you. Why would God heal and prosper you? Because He loves you!

Get that settled deep down inside of you. God loves you. He desires good things for your life. The key is, that to walk in that abundant life, you have to die to your own way of doing things and say, "yes" to His way. His love is there waiting for you... offered to you... but you must be willing to accept it... on His terms. When we do, THEN our joy will be filled and overflowing.

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