19 September, 2008

What'cha Got?

Hey, guess what? Somebody that is close around you today needs exactly what you have got! The funny thing is that they many not even know it and they man not even want it, but nevertheless, they need it.
What is it that they need? Jesus Christ!

In John 1:1 (NLT) is says, "We saw him with our own eyes and touched him with our own hands... now we testify... to you that he is the one."
Dude! What a powerful word!
But do you understand that before others will be drawn or attracted to Jesus, they must first see Him at work in your life? I mean, if they don't see what you are clothed in as something comfortable and appealing, why in the world would they want to put them on? Let them see Christ at work in your life! Thats what we meant when we used to sing, "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!"

Consider Saul when he encountered Christ on the road to Damascus. Christ appeared to him and said, "I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and my witness... tell the world about this experience." (Acts 26:16 TLB)
We in Christ must come to the understanding that every experience we have had with God has one purpose, and that is to make us His servant and witness. Those of you who keep saying you don't know what God's will is in your life... ALERT... Your assignment is simple... Be His servant and His witness! Keep that in mind and stay on task!

A word of caution and advice:
Guard your words!
Uh, do you realize that you will NEVER entice someone to serve the Lord if the words they hear coming from your mouth are about what's wrong with the church; what's wrong with the preacher; what's wrong with Christians... get the picture?
Clich'e, but remember the saying, "Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven." Learn to look beyond the faults of others and lift them up in prayer and speak words of love.

We need to see God's church as a hospital where Jesus, the Great Physician, makes wounded people whole. You know, in the hospital on any given day there are people who are doing well and on the road to recovery, while at the same time there are others who are in critical care and hanging onto life by a thread. It is the same in the church. And if we will make ourselves understand and view the church this way, we will become less critical and much more compassionate. In turn, our attitude toward the church will then attract people to the church, not drive them away.

So... what is your job?
To be His servant and witness and to introduce others to Jesus Christ, the One whom you have seen with your own eyes and experienced in your life... and when we introduce them to Jesus, He'll take care of the rest.

Go out today and give someone what you've got!

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