30 March, 2020

Who's Intolerant?

I was having a conversation with someone and mentioned that I have a Muslim friend who speaks to me about faith in God, but he seems to not really differentiate between Allah and Jehovah. This person asked, "why should he?" That honestly stunned me because this person claims to be a Christian, but they have no concept that the Christian faith demands that our faith is in Jesus Christ alone and that there is no other true God. This person did not have to say it, I saw the look in their eyes... "how dare you to be so intolerant of other religions?" It was not the time or the place for a debate, and it was obvious that if we had discussed it, it would have been ugly, so I let it go for the time being. But I've been thinking about it ever since. Why is it that no one questions why the Muslim is intolerant? Or any other religion or belief system? It is always the Christian who is called intolerant?  The Koran calls those who do not believe in Allah infidels and says they should be slaughtered. But... yeah, it's the Christian who is called intolerant. That's the way it always works. The answer to the question is obvious. "They" can tolerate one another and any other, but they will not tolerate the follower of Jesus Christ because Jesus himself said that no man comes to the Father except by him. There is no other way to be saved but to put our trust in Jesus. They can play their game with one another, but the game changes when the TRUTH is interjected into the game. What is the truth? The one who said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." The one who said "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."  And that truth casts a light on the lies and deception and they cannot handle it. That is why this world can accept any other religion... but they will ALWAYS eventually turn on the Christian. 

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