19 February, 2020

If It Makes you "happy"?

I was going to just zip my lip and stay out of it, but I've seen this posted 4 times already today, including by someone I dearly love. My response here is not to attack anyone, rather it is to challenge the notion of "if it makes you happy." Let me state up front that I am not comparing any one of the things I will mention to another at all. My point is to address the "if it makes you happy" not to attack gays. 

So, quite simply and directly to the point, if the reasoning of "happiness" can be used to defend one's actions, then you must ask the tough questions, such as, if me driving your car makes me happy, then isn't it OK if I take it? Or what if it makes a person happy to kill someone they dislike? Or if having sex with dogs makes someone happy, wouldn't that then be perfectly permissible?  Jeffrey Dahmer found "happiness" in killing and eating people. Using the logic espoused here then we have ZERO right to judge or condemn him for doing what made him happy. I know, I know, some are already thinking, "you're being extreme."  Says who? We cannot and must not live by the philosophy of "if it makes you happy, do it." That is one of the more dangerous notions to embrace because you are in essence saying that there are no laws nor societal rules other than "do what makes you happy." I'm quite sure the pro-gay crowd will target me in a major way and I'll find myself in Facebook jail yet once again, but that proves my point entirely! YOU get to do what makes YOU happy, but if I dare disagree with you (say that I am not happy) you will do everything in your power to silence me and those like me! You do not believe in happiness unless it fits your own personal agenda.

Go ahead: Let the attacks begin.
Facebook jail in 10-9-8....

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