06 December, 2019

God is Good, Even On a Bad Day

really don't know where I got this from, but I've used it many times over the years: "Sometimes you have to fight through the bad days in order to earn the best days of your life." In my life, I've seen this to be true. Today was one of those days that if it could go wrong it did... yet it was a good day. But if I had not pushed through the bad, the good would not have come around. 

It actually began with events of yesterday. I won't go into it all, but I had hurt my back so badly that I took a muscle relaxer and went to bed early. (for me anyway) I woke at about 3:40 really in pain again, so I got up and went downstairs so as to not keep Libby awake. I took another muscle relaxer and eventually fell back asleep on the couch.  I was awakened by my phone ring a little after 7:00 but I was so out of it I could hardly stir myself enough to get to the phone. I did manage to get to it and it was my daughter-in-law, Laura sounding frantic. She is in medical school and has a 3-month-old baby. She was on her way to drop the baby off at the sitter's house and then to the hospital when she had a flat tire. I told her to give me a few minutes and I'd be there to help. I threw some water in my face to wake up but honestly was in a fog. 

My wife followed me over so that she could take Lydia and Laura to the sitter's and to school. I started changing the tire, only to find that the rim was rusted to the brake drum. I had to run back home to get some WD40 and a hammer. After soaking it with the WD40 and pounding on the wheel, I finally got it off of the car. I was stunned when I saw what had caused the flat. There was a pipe about as big around as a nickel stuck in the tire. It was an absolute miracle that the tire did not blow out and cause them to be in a bad car accident. So, I thank God for watching out for them. Daniel and Laura live an hour from us and I did not want her driving with the spare with the baby in the car, so I called my son and told him I was bringing her car to him and would bring their other car back for her to drive and he could get another tire for the car. So, I headed for Peoria and my wife was also going that way in her car for a doctor's appointment. I was just over halfway there when I received a text from Laura that there was a problem and the sitter needed us to come to pick up Lydia. I called my son, had him head toward me and we met to exchange cars and I then FLEW back to Galesburg doing 80+ all the way so that I could go get the baby. I could go on, but suffice it to say, the day just continued that was, one thing after another. My bad knee has flared up and is swollen twice it's normal size. It looks like I have a cantaloupe on my leg where my knee should be. My back is aching even worse and I'm exhausted. 

So, where's the good? First, as I said, I thank God that Laura and Lydia are safe. Second, I got to spend about 5 and a half hours with my grandbaby, and that's always a blessing. Third, my wife had a minor surgical procedure done today and it is already helping her a lot. Forth, because God worked out a way for us to be here this morning (we were supposed to be out of town already) we were able to be here to help Laura. I don't know what she would have done if we were not here. Fifth, because my original plans for the day were aborted, I was able to get some things done around the house that I really needed to go but did not have the time to do them. 

So, even though the day did not go at all the way it was planned, even though there were hardships and problems to contend with, God blessed me with a really good day.  I've come to realize that you can focus on the negative and just cop an attitude, or you can focus on the positives and realize how blessed you are. I'm thankful that through it all, God is there, making a way and turning what the devil meant for harm into something good for our benefit.  

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