13 July, 2015

Wake Up! It's Not About a Flag or Marriage Issue!

People of this Nation are so easily distracted and lack focus. While our government has everyone focused on the same sex issue and/or the Confederate flag issue, no one is paying attention to real issues at hand. Our POTUS said when he was campaigning to become President that Bush was un-American to raise the debt to 8 Trillion and throw it on the backs of our children. While everyone is fighting over same sex and flags, the debt has risen to more than $18 Trillion and is projected to be well over $20 Trillion by the time Obama leaves office. Meanwhile, China and Russia are increasing in might and in literally taunting the USA. There is a push to do away with the U.S. Dollar as the Worlds's Reserve Currency. (See my last blog entry for more info)  Greece is formally defaulted on it's debts sending Europe into chaos... and their debt is less than ONE Trillions dollars, while ours is 18 times that amount. What do you think happens, NOT IF, but WHEN we default? There is a reason for all the smoke and mirrors people. Our government WANTS us fighting over flags and marriage issues so that we are oblivious to the real issues of the world. We'd better wake up before it's too late! We're almost there already!


Jim Martin said...

It's a case of pay no attention to that socialist dictator behind the curtain

Jim Martin said...

It's a case of pay no attention to that socialist dictator behind the curtain