Happy Birthday to My Princess!

Tomorrow my baby girl will turn 22. Somehow, I cannot wrap my head around that. It seems like yesterday that she was born and she stole my heart. I've watched this kid grow in utter amazement. She is one of the most gifted and kind hearted people that you will ever meet and I am blessed to say that I am her dad. We got to stop by Collinsville for just a little while yesterday and took her and her boyfriend out to lunch. It was great to see her... yet it broke my heart to have to leave her after only about 2 hours. I fought back the tears all the way home after that. She is my princess... but she is grown up and whether she wants to admit it or not, she has become a woman. (She gets mad at me when I say that.) And a beautiful woman at that. I remember the day we took her to her college and left her, I wrote her a letter and in it I told her that it was her time to soar... and that she has. Ashley you have made your daddy more proud than any dad has a right to be. I am so proud of you and cannot wait to see where life takes you from here!
I absolutely hate that mom and I cannot be with you on your birthday, but I'm glad you and Mike get to go to the Cardinals game. I hope you have a wonderful day!
I love you more than life baby girl!
Happy Birthday sweetie!
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