30 August, 2013

Book Review: "Downside Up"

Guess what? Life is not always fair, nor is it always fun and enjoyable. Sometimes it really hurts, especially when we face rejection. 
People hurt us with cutting words, turn their backs on us and betray us or perhaps your pain is because someone you love with all your heart does not feel the same way and that un-returned love leaves us feeling alone and rejected.

In her book, "Downside Up:Transform Rejection into Your Godlen Opportunity", Tracey Mitchell provides a step by step guide toward restoring your lost identity and in bringing lost dreams into actuality. She uses key Biblical principles to encourage a complete emotional transformation and bring about wellness by helping the reader to develop a focus on their God-given potential and purpose. She promotes the vital need of developing positive relationships along the journey of overcoming a negative thought life.

I'll be honest, when I received this book it took me some time to pick it up and read it because I was "less than enthused" by the title. Boy, was I wrong! This is one of those, "can't put down books. I've found myself reading portions of it through several times just so that it would soak in. 
Do yourself a favor and put this book high on your list of books to read. You will be glad you did!

I received this book from Thomas Nelson through the Booksneeze program. I was not required to give a positive review.

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