15 April, 2011

What Really Matters?

The events of the past week, especially the last 48 hours have caused me to spend some time in serious reflection and evaluation. I realize that God has kept His hand on me, and in reality, I should not be here today. As I have thought back I now see the warning signs I've had going back more than 6 months that I was blind to, and I know, I've been blessed and given a fresh lease on life. In that light, I've thought back over my life, amazed at God's grace and goodness to me. Amazed that He could love someone like me and I stand in awe at what God has done in a life that was wrecked and ravaged by sin. June 15 will mark 30 years since I gave my life to Jesus Christ. 30 years ago at about this time, I was facing the possibility of life in prison, bound by alcoholism and drug addiction with no hope for my future. What a difference Jesus can make if we will only surrender our life completely to him, his Word, his will and his ways. Thank you Lord, for the life you have given me.
As I have thought on this early this morning, I was reminded of a song I heard long ago, while I was in prison. I liked it then... but I love and appreciate it at this stage of my life more than I could have ever imagined at 22 years old.  The song is called, "My Mind Forgets a Million Things."  Here are the lyrics:
Life goes by, so much is past, most things change, but some things last
So many days just slip away, mellowing there like yesterday
My mind forgets a million things, places, dates, and names of kings
Only one memory stays new, the day I gave my life to You
The things I've done, the things I've seen, melt into a life long dream
And I become what I've gone through, I am so glad I've been there with You
My mind forgets a million things, places, dates, and names of kings
Only one memory stays new, the day I gave my life to You
The day will come when I'm so old, one more day will be like gold
And all the days I ever knew, are measured by my life with You
My mind forgets a million things, places, dates, and names of kings
Only one memory stays new, the day I gave my life to You.


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