30 January, 2011

Let's Show Them The Way!

One of my college bud's made a post on a forum we both frequent that included this video and the lyrics. If you follow me at all, you know I am a huge Dennis DeYoung and Styx fan, but this song tonight came at just a moment for me that brought me to tears. I had just a little earlier been talking with someone on the phone that had expressed exactly the thoughts of this song. This person told me how they wanted so desperately to believe in God, but they had been so disillusioned by so many church and ministry scandals, seen so many Ted Haggard's who preached for years against homosexuality and then it is discovered he has used illicit drugs and met with male prostitutes, and then comes out and declares he is bi-sexual. He went through a litany of other preachers and ministry scandals and I have to be honest and say that I can understand why he (and countless others) feel so confused and wounded. I'm not trying to cast stones at anyone... but the facts are the facts... the church has done a great job of confusing the issue for many. As DeYoung says in this song:

All the heroes and legends 
I knew as a child have fallen to idols of clay 
And I feel this empty place inside 
So afraid that I've lost my faith 

One of the key issues, I believe, is something I've been preaching about for the last several weeks; and that is that the church and her preachers have by and large fallen guilty of talking about the power of God, but there has been no TRUE display of the power of God for the world to see. I'm not talking about man made attempts to show forth the power of God. I'm sick and tired of the tricks and games that people play with glitter they try to pass off as gold and other trickery. We don't need another image of Jesus or Mary in a pancake or in the shadows on a wall. I'm talking miracles, signs and wonders that the Word of God says will follow after them that believe. The real deal is there. I've witnessed deaf ears opened. I've seen the doctors xrays that prove someone with critical liver damage was given a new liver. I've seen a baby that was dead in the womb for 6 weeks brought to life and come out normal (today she is a school teacher and a pastor's wife!) The miracles are real and God does not need us trying to help him out with the fake stuff.

There is a world out there that echoes the words of Styx: Show Me The Way!
Church arise!  Let's show them the way!

Every night I say a prayer 
In the hopes that there's a Heaven 
But everyday I'm more confused 
As the saints turn into sinners 

All the heroes and legends 
I knew as a child have fallen to idols of clay 
And I feel this empty place inside 
So afraid that I've lost my faith 

Show me the way, show me the way 
Take me tonight to the river 
And wash my illusions away 
Please show me the way 

And as I slowly drift to sleep 
For a moment dreams are sacred 
I close my eyes and know there's peace 
In a world so filled with hatred 

That I wake up each morning and turn on the news 
To find we've so far to go 
And I keep on hoping for a sign 
So afraid I just won't know 

Show me the way, show me the way 
Bring me tonight to the mountain 
And take my confusion away 
And show me the way 

And if I see a light, should I believe? 
Tell me how will I know? 

Show me the way, show me the way 
Take me tonight to the river 
And wash my illusions away 

Show me the way, show me the way 
Give me the strength and the courage 
To believe that I'll get there someday 
And please show me the way 

Every night I say a prayer 
In the hopes that there's a Heaven 

29 January, 2011

Wally World Woes... revisited

Tonight I was chatting with an old friend and she was telling me about the trouble that she had in Wal-mart tonight. I told her I completely understood and began telling her about one of my worst days at Wally World. I told her I had blogged about it several years ago. She could not find it, so I looked up for her. After reading it again, I just had to repost this one. It's a classic. 

Wally World Woes

Yesterday I had some photos printed at Wally World. I really needed them pronto, so I ordered the one hour service, which I normally would never do. I was having my oil changed in my van and asked them to change a light bulb that was burned out. Meanwhile I went up to the Subway and had lunch. While I was sitting there, two women came up by the table where I was seated, and asked me if they could bring their shopping carts into the Subway. (Do I look like Mr. Subway?) I told them that I really did not know how they felt about it, however I pointed out that there was not that much room in this small store and that most people generally park their shopping carts right outside the door. One woman said to the other that she did not like that idea. I was finishing up and ready to leave but I offered to sit there for a couple of minutes while they placed their order and watch their carts. The woman, very hatefully, said, "Oh, I just bet you would!" I told her that I was truly sorry for trying to show her an act of kindness, and reminded her that she was the one who initiated the conversation with me. Man, I'd hate to be such a miserable and untrusting person.

Upon leaving the Subway, I went back to get my pictures. It had been about 55 minutes and I thought they could be ready. The woman behind the counter spoke to me like I was insane for asking. I told her that it was no problem, that I'd come back in a bit. So I wandered back to see if the van was finished. I peaked into the bay area and it was empty, so I rang for the cashier and told her I wanted to pick up my van. "What van?" she asked. I pointed at it out in the lot. She asked my name, and checked her computer and said, "Oh, we are swamped right now, it will be awhile." I said, "Ma'am, there is not a single car out there in the bay area and all your employees are standing outside smoking. Is this what you call busy?" She said, "I guess we forgot we had another car to do. Give us 20 minutes." So, I wandered back to the photo processing. They were still working on my order. It's now been about 75 minutes for the "one hour" service.

I decided to walk around the store for a bit, then I found a book that looked interesting and took it back to the photo processing area and I could see they were still working on my order, so I sat down on a bench and began reading the book. After about 10 minutes I overheard the woman working on my order say to another employee, "Would you help me get this order done, this jerks breathing down my neck trying to rush me." I started to let it slide, but I'd just about had enough on this day, so I walked up to the counter and said, "Lady, this jerk is paying for one hour service and you have now been well over an hour and a half and I am still waiting while the 3 of you are laughing and carrying on as if there is not a care in the world." With that, two other employees began helping her and about 15 minutes later she calls out my name and tells me my order is finished. I asked her if there was a discount since my one hour service had taken almost 2 hours. Of course, there was not.

I took my pictures and my book and went back to the auto department to pickup my van and pay for everything. I actually thought it seemed a little high, but I was in a huge hurry because I was supposed to be meeting someone across town in 10 minutes, so I just swiped my card and left. After my meeting, I pulled my receipt and sure enough, they had charged me for 180 prints when I had ordered 120. So I headed back to Wally World. On the way there, I turned on my right turn signal, and it was not working. This was the bulb they were supposed to change. I looked at the receipt and it showed a $1 charge for installing a new bulb, but no charge for the bulb. I scanned the receipt further and at the bottom of the page was a note saying that they did not carry the particular bulb I needed. But they charged me $1 to change it. Hmmm?

When I arrived at Wally World, I went to the service desk and told them I had been over charged. I showed the receipt where I placed my order for photos. It read, "60 wallets (2)" meaning that each sheet had 2 wallets. The woman said, "Sir, here's the problem, and explained to me how 60 times 2 was 180. I said, "No, that would be 120." She looked at me as if were the dumbest man on the face of the earth and said, "You don't understand. There are 2 photos per sheet, so you got 180." I half wanted to laugh, and I asked her how she arrived at 180. She was getting angry and called another lady over to help her explain to me the situation. The other woman looked at it and explained exactly the same thing to me. I stood there dumb founded for a minute and I said, "Can either of you tell me what 6 plus 6 equals?" The both answered "12", and one of them said, "what does that have to do with anything?" I said add a zero to that. The first woman called yet another woman over and said, "Can you help this guy? We cannot make him understand." So I went through the whole thing with this third woman and believe it or not, she too came up with 180.

OK, I am really getting frustrated now and the first woman sensing this said that I should go back to the photo processing center and see if they could explain it better to me. So I took my receipts and headed back to the photo area, and who do I find there? Of course, the woman who called me a jerk. I began explaining the whole thing to her and she looks over the receipts and... tada... she says, "Sir, you ordered 60, but each sheet has 2 photos on it. That's where you get the 180." OK, I am livid now but I tried my best to keep calm. Once again I asked how much was 6 times 2. It did not work, and now this woman is getting very loud with me. About that time a young man, looked to be high school or early college age walked up and asked me to say what I said again. I did, he looked at the receipt and said, "We over-charged you by 60 photos." I raised my arms above my head and shouted out (literally) "there is a brain to be found in Wal Mart!" He cracked a big smile and told me to go up to the service department and they'd fix it. I laughed and told him that I had already danced that number, so he agreed to walk up to the service desk with me and explain it to them.

You really don't believe that he had any more success than I did, do you? It took him several minutes of explaining, and they never did get it, but agreed to give me the refund. One of the women said in a very hateful tone, "I don't see what all the fuss is about anyway. It is 29 cents!" I told her that it was 29 cents times 60 and she said, "So we are talking a buck, buck and a half?" I said "Lady, why don't you just punch the numbers into the machine there and let it do the thinking for you." She did and said, "Oh, it's $17.40." I added, "plus tax." Then I showed her the $1 and she said, "I can't believe you are going to make a fuss over $1." I said, "Plus tax. And lady, it is MY dollar, and you can do what you want with your money, but I refuse to be cheated out of any more of MY money!" I told her that they had over-charged me by almost $20 and I wanted it back. She said, "Oh, I did not realize it was that much money when you added it all up." I'd like to say that I was good and that I behaved myself. I'd like to... but I can't. I said, "What more can I expect from someone who cannot multiply 2 times 60 and get a correct answer?"

I'm a BAAADDD boy.

28 January, 2011

"I Just Don't Have Any Faith Left"

I really don't have a lot of time to write about this right now, but I wanted to throw the thought out there and see what kind of feedback I might get. I had a brief encounter with someone today who I had not seen in quite some time. She used to attend my church pretty regularly, but it has been at least 18 months now since I had spoken to her. I asked how she was doing, to which she replied, "Not too well, but I'm trying to get my life on track again." I asked where she and her family were going to church, and she replied that they were still not going to church, but as soon as they could "get their lives straightened out" they'd be back to church. Of course, I told her that she was thinking backwards, and that neither she nor her husband would get their lives on track without putting God in his rightful place... (I gave her much more but won't go into it here.)  She said to me, "I hear you Pastor, but I just don't have any faith left and I feel like God has let us down."
I said to her, "so you have no desire to please God?"  She looked at me as if I had just slapped her, with fire shooting from her eyes and said, "how dare you! I told you that God had let us down, so I don't have any faith left in me."  Again I said, "So, you choose not to please God?"  I swear, I thought she was going to hit me. She said, "What the hell do you know? You don't know how bad God failed us. Don't you dare judge us!"  I replied that I was not trying to be her judge, but her own words judged her, because the Bible clearly states that "without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." I explained the Bible says that he has given to each of us "a measure of faith" so the question was not whether she had faith or not, it was how she chose to use it. I reminded her of the many times I'd seen God's blessings in their lives and that just as his words says, "he rewards those who seek seek him."  Then I told her that from what I could see, they (as individuals or a family) were not seeking God at all, but instead wanted to live life their own way and still have God's blessings. I told her flat out that her excuse that she did not have any faith is a lie, that she had faith but would rather live in a way that is not pleasing to God. End of story.  I'd love to say the encounter ended in on a positive note, but let's just say it did not.

I have to say, I'd never really given thought to that excuse, "I just don't have any faith left" before today. It really is a pretty lame excuse; isn't it?

25 January, 2011

Social Justice?

This is the crap that is being spewed out across this nation by the likes of George Soros and Van Jones (and even our President) and sadly, people are eating it up. Give a quick viewing of this video (less than 2 minutes) and ask yourself... "Is this what we want?"
According to Mr. Jones... we should share the wealth... equally. I'm entitled to what Bill Gates has, or what the Walton family (Wal-mart) has... simply because I'm an American and it is "owed" to me.  So, what he is saying is that if I go out and work 40 hours a week (or more) on my job, and I am enterprising enough to start a small business on the side and earn an extra $15,000 on the side... I OWE it to the lazy so and so who lays in his house toking on a crack pipe and spreading his seed around like a dog having six kids with six different "women". (I use that term loosely.)  OK... not everyone is smoking crack, but the point is, people like this are saying that a person who works his tail off to achieve something and make something of himself should be forced to "share" the fruit of his labor with someone who does nothing.  

Here's a question everyone should be asking: If Van Jones really feels this way, why does he charge thousands of dollars for every speech he gives? Why does he not just endorse that check and hand it to someone in need?  The answer: He's a liar. He is getting wealthy off the poor slobs that are following after him chanting his mantra... much the way Al Gore did with his global warming rhetoric.

Ever notice that in Socialist nations... where everyone is supposedly equal... there are always those few who are at the top getting fat off of everyone else's "sharing"?  If you've not read it, or if you've not read it in awhile... read George Orwell's book "Animal Farm."
The quote comes to mind: "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others."

24 January, 2011

Successful First Week

Stealing my wife's computer for an update on my weight loss. I started one week ago today, and as of this morning, I have lost 6 pounds. Don't tell me the Atkins Diet does not work!
I can tell a difference, not only in how I look, but how I feel. At first I was thinking that I was being silly, that 6 pounds was not that much... but then I remembered that picture. (re-posting it here) 
That yellow blob is what 5 pounds of fat looks like. I've lost almost more than one of those!  WooHoo!  That makes me feel good!

I know the next week will not see as dramatic results that I had this week, but if I can drop 2 pounds, that will pull me under that magic 200 pound level that I struggle with, and will mean that with 8 pounds lost, I will have lost almost half of my goal of 17.5 pounds. 
I'm encouraged, I can do it this!

But I'll be honest... 200 has always been a psychological barrier for me. I just can't seem to break under 200. Or if I do, I really struggle to keep my weight under that. 195 is my target. I have not hit under 195 in almost 10 years.  I'm determined, this is my time, not just to break it, but to make some life changes. If memory serves me correctly, I have not been under 190 in more than 20 years. Time to turn back the clock!

23 January, 2011

Computer Woes

Just a quick note to post that I won't be posting much for a bit because I'm having computer issues. A couple of nights ago before I went to bed I set my computer to defrag the hard drive. I disconnected from the internet since I was leaving my computer on, but I failed to think to change the settings, so that when the defrag was done rather than shut my computer down, it restarted. When it restarted, it logged me back on to the internet, and someone hacked into my computer and used it to download music and movies. They also did something to disable my System Mechanic which would have stopped this from occurring. Long story short, my computer is totally messed up. When I finally got it to start up, I had 1774 registry errors and several viruses. One of them continues to turn my screen off, and every time I do get it up and running, I find more errors and things they've done to my computer. I don't know if I will be able to fix it. My biggest concern is that I have all of my programs for my photography business on that computer, and numerous recent photos that I had not yet backed up. In short, my business is wiped out for the time being. 

I'll be back soon, but just wanted to let my readers know that for a little while, I am a forced leave.

20 January, 2011

Long Day

Been a really long day... and honestly, not the most productive day either. I spent literally hours on the phone today. I haven't had a day like this in a long time (thank you Lord) and I forgot how stressful they can be. Not that all the calls were bad. They weren't.  In fact, there was some really encouraging calls as people called to give testimonies about what God was doing in their lives. Those are always so cool, and they are uplifting to me when I receive them. But there were a couple of calls that just sucked the life out of me... at least temporarily. I'm sure that it did not help that 1) there was so many calls just back to back, and 2) I'm in the early days of a low-carb diet, and as is normal for me, in days 2-4 or 5 of this diet I go through a low, with no energy, and I feel almost like I have the flu, without the vomiting. The good news is, that in my first 3 days on the diet, I've already lost 4 pounds. I sure am looking forward to the energy to kick in though. If you've never done this diet, when the "low" period is over, it is as if someone shot you full of speed. I need that... like now!

After my wife went to bed tonight, I decided to just spend a bit of time in worship. I needed that bad. The day was a continuous drain, and I've learned that when I am drained, I need to spend a little time in the presence of the Lord. I don't know what I'd do if I did not have Jesus in my life. I don't even want to think about it. Lived that nightmare for way too long, and I'll never go back. Through the blood of Jesus, I have life!

One More Time...

Today I received a phone call from someone I have known for many years, who just wanted to blow off steam about (and I quote) "the abomination" that took place in their church this past Sunday.  What was it that had him so upset? Someone actually "dared" to dance in their worship service "waving ribbons and twirling around."  Let's just say that my friend was not happy with me at all when I responded, "Praise God... that's awesome!"
I won't go into the rest of our conversation... other than to say that my friend is pretty angry with me for upsetting his apple cart and not agreeing with him. He'll probably be even more upset with me when he see's this portion of my entry today... but can I just say to him, "take a chill dude... no one knows who you are, except you, me and the Lord. It will be ok!"

Anyway, I asked him if he had ever seen my writing on dance in worship; which he had not, so I am reposting it.  This was originally posted to my blog on April 5, 2006. I'm adding a short video at the end that I think is worth watching. Also, check out the comments from people made with the original post. Interesting observations made there.

Shall We Dance?

Over on Sarah’s Blog she asked a question about using dance in worship.(See it here.) She had run across an article which implied that dance was improper for the church today because you do not find it mentioned in the New Testament. I was going to answer her there, until I realized that this was going to be a rather long and involved post, and felt it best to bring it to my own blog as a topic.
First, let me say Sarah, that this is a good question, and I am glad you asked. It is a prevalent (and often heated) debate in the church world today. Many Christians are opposed to the use of dance in worship because of what the world has done with it. However, just because Satan has perverted something, doesn’t mean that we as Christians should stop using it for God’s glory.
The Bible says: “...all things were created by him, and for him” (Col 1:16).
The world has perverted music too, shall we drop that from our services? (Some already have.)
What about lifting our hands? The world has stolen that too, as they often do “the wave” at major sporting events and other venues. I guess we need to stop that hand lifting stuff.
Looking for something you can’t find in the New Testament?
What about electronics? We have sound systems, electronic instruments, projection systems, and a host of other things we use in worship that are not found in the New Testament. And everyone knows that if it is not specifically mentioned in the New Testament, then it is taboo for us to use in worship.
It gets kind of silly when you apply this same logic to other areas, doesn’t it?
For the purpose of building a solid argument, it is probably best to first see where and how dance is mentioned in the Bible.
As far as I can tell, the earliest mention of dance as a form of worship is found in the book of Exodus, when the nation of Israel had just crossed the Red Sea. Here it says:
“And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.” 

Exodus 15:20
It is interesting that Miriam (the sister of Moses and Aaron) was called a prophetess, yet nowhere in scripture does it record a single prophecy that she brought fourth. On a personal note (which you are free to disagree with) I find it significant that Miriam is called a prophetess here where it tells of her dancing in worship. I believe this is an indication that the nation of Israel viewed dance as a prophetic gifting, and treated it as such. 
One of the things that King David is known for in the Bible is his praise and worship. Much of the book of Psalms (songs of praises) was written by him, and the Davidic style of worship has been practiced in Israel for many years, even unto today. Today, the resurgence of dance, and other forms of the arts being used in worship in Christian churches is referred to as the reinstatement of Davidic worship. King David himself danced before the Lord, when he brought the Ark of the Covenant into Jerusalem. 
“And David danced before the LORD with all his might; and David was girded with a linen ephod.” 

2 Samuel 6:14
David also refers to dance as a form of worship in some of the Psalms he wrote. For example: 
“Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.” 
Psalm 149:3
“Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs.” 
Psalm 150:4
Okay, you might say, but this is all in the Old Testament, not the New Testament. Let’s stop just a moment and think about that. Jesus, and Paul both said that in numerous places that they taught from the scriptures.
What scriptures? What are they referring too?
It could not have been the New Testament, because that hadn’t been written yet. No, it is plain to see that they were in fact referring to the Old Testament. 
Something that we must come to understand is that the New Testament church gained most of its style of worship from the Jews. Since the Jewish believers were accustomed to using dance as a form of worship, they naturally continued this practice in the early church and most likely taught it to the gentile converts. The early Christians understood dance as a normal part of worship. In fact, one of the original deacons, elected in the sixth chapter of Acts was Prochorus. If you dig into his name, it means“the leader of the circle dance.” This implies rather strongly that the early church accepted dance as a part of worship. 
It is rather ironic that dance has existed to some degree all through church history. In the two earliest Christian liturgies recorded in detail, dance is used in the order of service. Both Justin Martyr in A.D. 150 and Hippolytus in A.D. 200 describe joyful circle dances. In the early church, dance was perceived as one of the “heavenly joys and part of the adoration of the divinity by the angels and by the saved.” 
As the years passed and we entered into a time period known as the early middle ages (AD 500-1100) there had become a clear distinction or separation of what I will term “professional clergy” and the laity. If one will study this time period, the clergy often led the people in dance in worship, but gradually there came a further separation to where only the clergy were permitted to dance. This gradually transformed to the point that dance was only performed by the clergy at Christmas and Easter, with the laity being mere spectators. During the Renaissance, dance became much more a part of worship again, however it was very ritualized. Ironic as it may seem, it was the Reformation that stifled the use of dance in worship. There was such disdain for the structure of the church, that almost all dance was abolished from worship, the exception being in the funeral procession.
Again, it is rather interesting that Martin Luther himself was not against dance. In fact, he wrote a carol for children entitled From Heaven High in which two stanzas support the role of song and dance in worship.
The English Church leader, William Tyndale, in a prologue to the New Testament wrote of the roles of joyous song and dance, and was happy to use the words, daunce and leepe when he considered the joyous good news of Christianity. Yet, the teaching and interpretation of the people began to stifle dance and consider it worldly and eventually even in the Catholic church, in a decree was issue in 1566, which threatened priests and other persons with excommunication if they led dances in churches or cemeteries.
Isn’t it strange that it took the church over 1500 years to finallyunderstand that dancing in church was carnal?
Just like so many other man-made rules, it has now become accepted that God is not pleased with our dance, because this is what has been passed down in our churches, yet, it is clear if you do the study, that dance was designed for use in worship.
I found it particularly amusing while in college and studying the history of Christianity I ran across some interesting breaks from the norm in regarding the ban on dancing in worship. Just to show one example, consider a group that has to be considered one of the most structured, legalistic Christian denominations ever, known as The Shakers. The Shakers were a offshoot of the Quakers in the early years of our country. The Shakers (or Shaking Quakers) lived in their own communities, remained celibate, denied themselves of physical pleasures, and danced before the Lord with all their might! 
Yes, it is true that the New Testament gives few direct references to dance. But I propose that this points to the fact that dance was so much a part of worship that there was no need to mention it explicitly.
Evidence of the use of dance as an accepted expression of joy is reflected in Jesus' comment in Matthew 11:17, “We piped to you (played the flute for you) but you did not dance.” 
Similarly, in Jesus' parable of the prodigal son there was dancing and rejoicing on the son's return to his home (Luke 15:25).
Interestingly, recent studies suggest there are more references to dance in the New Testament than originally thought. In the Aramaic language which Jews spoke, the word for ”rejoice” and ”dance” are the same. With that being true, if we include “dance” with “rejoice” there are references to dancing and leaping for joy (Luke 6:23) as well as “dancing in the Spirit” (Luke 10:21).
To bring this to a close, let me add my own personal observation.
There is something about dance that will take any worship service into a higher level than it can otherwise reach. One person truly dancing before the Lord (not before man) can take the entire congregation farther into His throne room, than they would otherwise have gone.

19 January, 2011

Enough of This!!!

In the time since I have returned from vacation, I have had discussions with no less than six people/couples who are having very serious marital problems with one or both partners ready to walk away from their marriage. All of these are Christian couple and none of these couples are talking about infidelity or even a hint of inappropriate behavior sexually. Literally, in all of these cases, "life" is getting in the way; ie lack of communication, stress over finances, lack of common goals, and so on.  I've said this to the people involved in every case... "until you take the divorce option off the table, you are doomed."

I'm not slamming on any one of those couples. (I know several of them read my blog.) I want you to know that I take these issues very serious and I am praying for you and with you. But as Christian couples, you need to realize, you did not enter into a contract that can be broken when you married your partner. You entered into a covenant. Covenants are not broken easily. Even the word "divorce" needs to be eliminated from your vocabulary. When you remove that as an option, it causes you to realize that you have an issue that MUST be resolved and worked out. It is not an option to leave things as they are, nor to leave. So roll up your sleeves and get to work.

My reason in writing this blog is not to criticize anyone, but rather to bring an alert to the church (not just mine... but to the Body of Christ) that Satan is going after our marriages and it is time that we collectively tell the enemy, "you are done here!"  We need to bind together in prayer for our brothers and sisters and their marriages. We need to safeguard our own marriages! We need to enter into some very frank and open discussion about this within the body. Why hide what is killing us? Let's confront this, and kick it's butt!
I'm tired of Satan's games and I'm tired of our silence giving him a free run within the church. Enough of this, already. I'm declaring war on the enemy that is ripping homes apart!

18 January, 2011

The Battle of the Bulge is On... again.

Over the past few months, I let the cookies and other goodies get the best of me, and I gained about 8 pounds.  Yeah, I know that 8 pounds does not sound like much, but the real problem is that I had stalled in my weight loss back 6 or 7 months ago, and was teetering around 200 when I need to get my weight down to at least 190 lbs.  That means I have at least 18 pounds to lose.  To give you visual of what that is like, that yellow blob in the woman's hands is a replica of what 5 pounds of human fat looks like. I have almost 4 times that on my body that should not be there... dead weight that is dragging me down.

So, with that in mind, when I stepped on the scale Sunday and saw 207.5, I made the decision to take authority over this now, before it got a total hold on my life again. Five years ago, I weighed in at 238, and I refuse to lose control like that again.  First, it is just too hard on my body. I have terrible knees and the doctors have told me for the past 20 years that if I get above 200 pounds I will be in much more pain and do damage to my knees. Also, I had a brush with heart problems 5 years ago and I know that the weight gain and subsequent sedentary lifestyle that comes with it, I'll be facing more heart problems. I'm not going there. Personally, I get angry with people who blame Satan for health issues that they bring on themselves... so I'd better practice what I preach.  I'm not judging anyone else, nor pointing fingers at anyone who does not do as I do. This is about me. I'm doing this for me. For me, I can attest that as my body and physical health struggle rages, I also face spiritual battles.  This is something that I must get a hold of and beat this body into subjection.
Those who are around me, I'm asking for your help. Please don't nag at me... but yet, I'd appreciate your encouragement and your holding me accountable.

Thanks everyone!

16 January, 2011

Learning to Love

I was recently reading a book, "Crazy Love" written by Frances Chan and have to say that it shook me and challenged me... it even provoked me to give some serious thought about myself and my ministry. There is much that I could write about, but I'm only going to address a couple of areas that really have stuck with me. One thing he wrote about how we in the church and ministry define success. He wrote, "God's definition of success is pretty straightforward. He measures our life by how we love." 

OK, so we all talk about how we love everyone, right? We talk about how we will accept anyone in our church... but do we go out and invite "anyone" to come to our church? Or are we a bit selective as to who we invite? Come on... be honest.  Ask yourself (as I have been doing) "How do I love?" And more importantly who do I love?  Be really honest... do you love only those who are loveable? Do you choose to love those who will love you in return or do you love your enemies. Do you love the person whose speech is filled with profanity? Do you love the person whose clothing and hair smells so strongly of stale smoke that it literally makes you ill? Do you love the person who is eyeing your MP3 player or phone to the point that you want to hide it before it disappears? Do you love the person who mocks your faith? (Shall I go on?)

Jesus said, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. (Matt. 5:43-45)

Let's be really honest here. We live in a culture where a pastor can get by even if he doesn't actually love people and he can still be considered successful as long as he is a gifted speaker or makes his congregation laugh, and he prays for the people around him and visits the sick and elderly. But I am reminded of where Paul writes that even if "I have all faith so, as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing? (1 Cor. 13:2-3)." 

So I ask myself... and I ask you... just how do we define success? It seems, according to God's Word, that nothing we do in this life will ever matter, unless it is about loving God and loving the people he has made.

Along those lines, another thing Chan asked in his book that really got me to thinking was this question: "How would my life change if I actually thought of each person I came into contact with as "Christ." Let's make this question practical and real. What about that person at Walmart that is checking out the people ahead of me and is slower than a seven year itch and cannot stop talking about how bad their day has been? What about the the old guy in the pickup truck who is driving 10 MPH under the speed limit who is holding up traffic? What about that one person that you just can't seem to ever be around with out them grating on your last nerve? What if we looked at those people as if they were Jesus?  Crazy thought?  Try this... "I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me."

I was actually tested with this line of thought recently when I was called by and asked to meet a man who had been arrested and was just released after a night in jail.  I went to meet him in a local restaurant. I'll be honest, I did not want to go. I was tired, it was cold, and the story he had spun on the phone was one that made me roll my eyes and think, "Why bother?" (Just being honest.) 
When the man walked into the restaurant, it was worse than than I had imagined. He was filthy and the odor wafted into the room ahead of him. I won't even go into the conversation... it does not matter right now. I ordered him something to eat and got us both some coffee. When we went to the table and sat down, I noticed the ladies working the counter spraying air freshener and wiping the counter where he had leaned on it. I instantly hurt for this man. Sure, he smelled and his clothing was filthy; but he was a man and he had feelings. For a minute, I was angry at those women, but I had to admit to myself because I had not ordered anything to eat because the man's odor turned my stomach. I was no better than them. In fact... I was worse.  I had to admit to myself that I had not wanted to come, and the fact was, I did not want to stay and was secretly hoping for an emergency call so I'd have an excuse to leave. 

As I sat there and listened to him, I had to pray through and repent for the lack of love in my heart. When all was said and done, I really did not do anything for him other than to feed him and lend a listening ear. I did make a couple of phone calls and found a relative who would take him in... but the reality is, he did far more for me than I did for him. I saw in myself that day something that I did not like. I was convicted as to how I saw people. I realized I could preach it... but I was not fully living it.  Once again, I'm confronted with the reality that "I have not yet arrived." But I'm growing... and I'm learning to love.  

15 January, 2011

The Pawn Shop

I was reminded of this today and wanted to repost it.
It was originally written November 11, 2008

"He provided redemption for His people."
Psalm 111:9 NIV
I have always loved going to pawn shops. I’ve found some great deals and hidden treasures in them. I have in my possession a set of original photographs of each of the 1967 Saint Louis Cardinals that I purchased in one in Cleveland,Tennessee years ago for $5. In that same shop I bought a high speed cassette tape duplicator for $10. The owner of the shop did not even know what it was. Over the years I have had the habit of popping into pawn shops in various towns as I travel to see what kind of treasures I might find.

Have you ever been to one? I was talking to someone a few days ago who had never been and really did not even know what a pawn shop was. The idea of a pawn shop is simple; if you need money, you take a valuable item like jewelry or a musical instrument to the shop where the pawnbroker appraises it and gives you cash. (Usually far beneath the value of your item that you are pawning.) You have so many days to return and buy back your item, but if you don't return within the specified time to redeem the item, you forfeit ownership. In other words, even though it was yours, you no longer have legal possession until you pay the price to get it back, and if you wait too long, it can be lost forever.

I am reminded of a time, a little over 15 years ago when my wife was in the hospital giving birth to our daughter. While we were away, someone broke into our house and stole a lot of our possessions, including my wife’s jewelry. Months later, while traveling to see family in southern Illinois, I popped into a pawn shop and there I recognized two of my wife’s rings. One I had purchased for her shortly after we were married and the other her parents had made for her while we were in high school. They were distinct and I knew these were her rings. I phoned her and had her come to the pawn shop where she tried them on, and they were a perfect fit. We knew these were her rings, but the owner of the pawn shop had papers where he had purchased them in Indiana, so he was now the owner. He had legal ownership of them. The only way we could get them back was to purchase them, which we did, restoring them back to the rightful owner.

Thinking about all this today, I began to see a parallel to our lives. 
If you will, we have all been “pawned” because of sin and we are in need of someone to buy us back, or redeem us, so that we are in the hands of the rightful owner. Have you ever thought of yourself as somebody who needs to be redeemed, so you can be returned to your rightful owner? The Bible says God created us to fellowship with Him. But because of sin, we have all fallen into “the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.”(2 Timothy 2:26) You see, the only way it is possible for us to be restored to God, Our rightful owner, is through redemption. (Another word we toss around in Christian circles, meaning: “to recover ownership by paying a specified sum” or “to turn in something (such as coupons) and receive something else in exchange.”)
That's exactly what God did! "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life" (John 3:16NKJV). Christ's death on the cross was the price of your redemption; that's how much God values you! He has already redeemed you!

But here’s the key: Our redemption is already paid for in full, but redemption only becomes a reality when you realize that you're a sinner and need a savior, and trust in Christ as your Savior. The moment you do, He reunites you with your Heavenly Father - ransomed, redeemed, restored to your original owner. The problem is, most have grown so accustomed to living in the pawn shop of life that we don’t realize that we are living there, far beneath our privilege, and being owned and controlled by someone who has ripped us off.
So the question is: have you taken God up on His offer of salvation, the one that makes you a member of His family? You were created to live in the King’s palace, walking in fellowship God, but because of sin, we have all been “pawned.” The Good News is that your redemption price has already been paid, and if you're able to read this, it's not too late to break free of the bondage you’ve been held by, and begin to experience the fullness of life that you were created to enjoy. You can do it right now wherever you are. Simply recognize that you (all of us) are a sinner and need a savior and accept Jesus as your redeemer and accept his blood as payment in full for your freedom.

10 January, 2011

"I'm Only Human"

Just a short note tonight, hoping to get some others talking about this one with your thoughts, perspective and insight. 

A couple of weeks ago now, while we were on vacation, I had a bad attitude with someone in a the resort (I really don't even remember what it was about now) and afterward justified myself to my wife, saying "I'm only human."  Instantly, I heard in my spirit, "Are you?"  I tried to ignore it, but I kept hearing it.  Later in the day, I went for a walk by myself down on the beach. It was a rather cool day, especially by Florida's standards, and I pretty well was alone, only seeing 2 people in passing as I walked for more than an hour.  As I was walking, the whole thing kept running through my mind, and again, I heard in my spirit, "Are you?"

Finally, I stopped and said out loud, "What are you trying to get at Lord?" I heard, "Are you really, only human?" I honestly was a bit perplexed at what God was trying to say, but I began, inwardly, to hear, "If you are my child, and have been born into the Kingdom, are you really, "only human"?  As I began to think on this as I walked, God really just kicked my butt for me about how as a born again follower of Christ, with the Holy Spirit living in me, that I was not "only human" but I was a part of something higher. The Word of God says that we are even now, already citizens of heaven, and that we are aliens in this world... a peculiar generation.  The Holy Spirit was saying to me that we (born again believers) are indeed "more than human" and that we are held to a higher standard. (To whom much is given, much is required.)  

In that walk that day, and for the past couple of weeks the Lord has been just working me over, teaching me and tweaking me, about using that phrase and living as if I were "only human."  What the Holy Spirit has been showing me is that I (and most of us) have fallen into a trap of excusing inappropriate behavior (dare I say, "sin") with the excuse, "I'm only human."  We have adopted the mantra of, "I'm not perfect" or "only human" as a seemingly acceptable rationale for  the times where we blow it and do not live up to a godly standard.  No, I'm not trying to imply that we should be so bold as to think that we are going to walk in absolute perfection. We are going to sin from time to time. (And no, I do not believe you have to sin every day.)  I do believe that if/when we do sin, we need to just own up to it, confess and repent. This is exactly what is meant when John wrote: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

Human? Yes.  Only human? No... for our spirit's have been quickened from death unto life... and that makes us more.

08 January, 2011

"What Does This Church Have To Offer Me?"

One question that I receive as pastor that makes me cringe more than any other is when someone calls me or visits and asks, "What does this church have to to offer me?"  What bothers me is how prevalent this question and attitude is with people now days. It seems that most people really have no concept of what it means to be a Christian... to live a live of service to and for the Lord. Rather, they want to be stroked, entertained, have someone doting after them and begging them to stay. Very few are interested in helping to enlarge the Kingdom of God... to help build a kids church program, or youth program, or any other program for that matter. The don't want to be involved (read committed) to service... they want to be served. 

I was in HyVee today and saw probably 25-30 members of a church there bagging groceries as a fund raising project. I commented to my wife that no way, no how could we get that many people from our church willing to come out and give their time and energy to do that. It's not just my church... I know very few churches that could get that many adults to come out and volunteer their time to such a fund raising project. I hope people don't get mad at my saying that... but it is the truth. Most people are only going to do something or get involved in something if it benefits them personally. It is a problem in the church world today, across denominational lines as well as state lines.

I wonder... how fast would our churches grow if just 10-20 people took serious the command to "go ye therefore"?  I promise you that just about any pastor you talk to would say that he wished he had even 5 or 6 people that would ask, "what can I do?" rather than "what are you going to do for me?"

06 January, 2011

Why Not?

I was talking with someone earlier today and they asked me what I'd like to see in my church this year, and they were blown away with my response. I told them that I'd like to see 50 people saved in our church and to be averaging 125 in attendance by Christmas. My friend said, "No, really... what are your real goals for this year?"  I told him that I was very serious, and that I'd like to see both of these numbers higher, but for the purpose of goals, this was what I was aiming at. He told me that I was dreaming.  

OK... so call me a dreamer; but I ask, "Why not?" I mean, why would it seem like a difficult thing to see less than one person saved per week? In a town of better than 30,000 people, is it difficult to believe that there are not at least 50 that we can reach with the message of grace found in Jesus Christ?  Is there any reason why our church could not double or triple in a year? I'm guessing that everyone in our church knows several who live in this community who need Jesus. Why then would it be hard to believe these goals.  Get radical with me for a minute... what if everyone in the church led someone to Christ this year? What if we got as excited about telling our friends about Jesus as we do when telling them about Glee or American Idol or the Super Bowl? What if?

And I say, "Why not?"

03 January, 2011

You Kids Have It So Easy

Received this in an email today and just had to share it.

When I was a kid, adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious diatribes about how hard things were. When they were growing up; what with walking twenty-five miles to school every morning.... Uphill... Barefoot... BOTH ways. yadda, yadda, yadda. And I remember promising myself that when I grew up, there was no way in world I was going to lay a bunch of crap like that on my kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've got it! 
But now that I'm over the 
ripe old age of forty, I can't help but look around and notice the youth of today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my childhood, you live in a dang Utopia! 
And I hate to say it, but you kids today, you don't know how good you've got it!

1) I mean, when I was a kid we didn't have the Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go to the old library and look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!

2) There was no email!! We had to actually write somebody a letter - with a pen!
 Then you had to walk all the way across the street and put it in the mailbox, and it would take like a week to get there! Stamps were 10 cents! 

3) Child Protective Services didn't care if our parents beat us. As a matter of fact, the parents of all my friends also had permission to kick our butts! Nowhere was safe! 

4) There were no MP3's or Napsters or iTunes! If you wanted to steal music, you had to hitchhike to the record store and shoplift it yourself!

5) Or you had to wait around all day to tape it off the radio, and the DJ would usually talk over the beginning and screw it all up! There were no CD players! We had tape decks in our car. We'd play our favorite tape
 (Three Dog Night) and "eject" it when finished, and then the tape would come undone rendering it useless. Cause, hey, that's how we rolled, Baby! Dig? 

6) We didn't have fancy crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone and somebody else called, they got a busy signal, that's it! 

7) There weren't any freakin' cell phones either. If you left the house, you just didn't make a  call or receive one. You actually had to be out of touch with your "friends". OH MY 
GOSH !!! Think of the horror... not being in touch with someone 24/7!!! And then there's TEXTING. Yeah, right. Please! You kids have no idea how annoying you are. 

8) And we didn't have fancy Caller ID either! When the phone rang, you had no idea who it was! It could be your school, your parents, your boss, your bookie, your drug dealer, the collection agent... you just didn't know!!! You had to pick it up and take your chances, mister!

9) We didn't have any fancy PlayStation or Xbox video games with high-resolution 3-D graphics! We
 had the Atari 2600! With games like 'Space Invaders' and 'Asteroids'. Your screen guy was a little square! You actually had to use your imagination!!! And there were no multiple levels or screens, it was just one screen.. Forever! And you could never win. The game just kept getting harder and harder and faster and faster until you died! Just like LIFE! (Didn't even have that stuff when I was a kid!)

10) You had to use a little book called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were screwed when it came to channel surfing! You had to get off your butt and walk over to the TV to change the channel!!! NO REMOTES!!! Oh, no, what's the world coming to?!?!

11) There was no Cartoon Network either! You could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you hear what I'm saying? We had to wait 
ALL WEEK for cartoons, you spoiled little brats!

12) And we didn't have microwaves. If we wanted to heat something up, we had to use the stove! Imagine that! 

13) And our parents told us to stay outside and play... all day long. Oh, no, no electronics to soothe and comfort. And if you came back inside... you were doing chores! 

And car seats - oh, please! Mom threw you in the back seat and you hung on. If you were lucky, you got the "safety arm" across the chest at the last moment if she had to stop suddenly, and if your head hit the dashboard, well that was your fault for calling "shot gun" in the first place! 
See! That's exactly what I'm talking about! You kids today have got it too easy. 

You're spoiled rotten! 
You guys wouldn't have lasted five minutes back in 1970 or any time before!

The Over 40 Crowd