12 April, 2006

Urgent Prayer Request

(I had this on my church site, and my wife suggested I put in here as well so that more of you see this and will pray)

A friend of mine in Berlin, Germany, Pastor Johannes Matutis sent an email to me earlier today with an urgent prayer request. He tells of Andreas Wecker - (German Olympic Champion who has won Gold, Silver and Bronze medals) who accepted Christ 2 years ago and is a member of his church.
He says that Wecker has taken a very public stand in announcing his faith in Christ which is a major thing in Berlin, where less than 2% of the population are born again Christians. He says that Wecker's testimony has been publicized heavily in the German media

He requested prayer for Wecker, stating that the devil has launched an all out attack on his health, and that Tuesday night, Pastor Matutis had to take him to the ER where he was placed in intensive care. He has asked that we pray for his healing, and also for his family. Having been to Berlin several times and being familiar with the spiritual climate there and how the German people love their sports, I can tell you that the testimony of Andreas Wecker can be a powerful tool for God to use to reach that nation, and I know the devil would love to silence that witness.

Let's believe God for a miraculous healing so that an even stronger testimony for Christ goes out!


Deborha's Palm Tree said...

Will do Pastor...our Thursday Night Intercessory prayer team will definately lift him up in prayer.

Deborha's Palm Tree said...

I posted a prayer on my blog if anyone wants to stand in agreement.