28 February, 2006

Do You Trust Me?

This whole thing with the car and the $500 has been eating at me, and try as I may, I keep trying to find a resolve to this. I've not slept well and I have not been dealing with my anger well.
(Can you believe that I have a temper?)

This morning, as I was trying to pray... I say trying, because I was not doing well with it. It was more me trying to tell God what to do and what he ought to do to these people... I heard God saying to me, "Do you trust me?"
I didn't want to answer that, because I knew what was coming next.
"Yes Lord, I trust you." Yep, just like I thought, he says, "Then give it to me and leave it alone."
I argued, "But God..." and he said, "Do you trust me?"
"Yes Lord, but..."
Can I tell you that God is not interested in our "Yeah, but's" ?
He just said again, "Do you trust me?"
Oh, and then he said, "Will you still trust me if you don't get the money back?"
I thought, "Oh Lord, please don't go there! I don't want to..."
And he said, "How much do you trust me to provide for you?"
I hate it when God makes the pastor eat his own words and do what he has been telling everyone else to do!
I know some will think I am totally whacked out when I say this, but I said, "Lord, you are NOT EVEN funny right now! This is not cool at all!"

The funny thing is, God is not particularly interested in whether or not I think it is fair or if he is being cool... He is interested in whether or not I am going to trust Him and serve Him no matter what.

Okay Lord. I will trust you. I may not like it right now, and I may not like the out come, but you are God, and I will trust you, and yes I will serve you, no matter how this thing turns out.
(Man those are hard words to choke out!)

How about you today?
Do you trust Him?


The 6 Karns' said...

It's quite funny (not the ha-ha kind), that this happened the weekend before we head to Georgia. God knows what He's doing - even if it disappoints us in the mean time. I'm just believeing that God has something AWESOME in store this weekend!

Sean McKee said...

I think Amber has hit the nail on the head.

The Devil wants to get you so consumed with this issue that you will not be able to concentrate or receive anything good that comes from this conference you are going to.

I heard someone at church on Sunday say ‘Tell the Devil... ‘You are a Liar!’”

Darrell said...

Like I said, God's making me take my own advice.

I ain't liking it... but I will deal with it.

And I believe you are right. It is the devil trying to keep me so distracted that I miss what God has for me.
Well, that is not happening!