11 February, 2020

Hollywood Has Gone Stark Raving Crazy!

First of all, I did not and do not watch any of the awards shows and have not since around 2001 or so. They were already getting crazy back then, but today they are just insane. You don't have to watch anymore because you hear/see their nutty behavior on the news and all over social media. There were several ridiculous things that happened a couple of nights ago as they gave away the Oscars. There were rants against Trump, about the Republicans over their not siding with the left to impeach our President and many other social issues. But the icing on the cake was Joaquin Phoenix lecturing people for eating meat and drinking milk, causing the poor cows to go through the pain of their babies being ripped away from them and then having the milk that was intended to feed the baby being stolen from them so that we can put it in our coffee and our cereal. The crowd of movie "stars" and elites went wild with applause. Now... while I disagree with him completely, I could at least understand if it was not for the glaring fact that this same group of imbeciles screams for the right to literally rip HUMAN babies from the womb of their mother, piece by piece or even to kill that child once it is outside of the womb! They have NO problem with the unbelievable slaughter of human life but they shed tears over a cows milk being used for human consumption. They've lost their ever-loving minds! And as if that were not bad enough, many who sit in our churches on Sunday morning and worship the Lord are in lockstep with these people supporting abortion! The Bible speaks to this on many levels, and warns those people in Isaiah 5:20 with these words, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" I cannot and will not judge anyone's soul, but I'll leave it at this... I would not want to have to stand before the Lord on judgment day and give reason for how I supported the killing of millions of babies in the name of women's rights!

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