One of the things I've heard over and over again in my ministry is that of people telling me that the Bible and Christianity are just too difficult to understand. I get it, because so many times, (I'd say most of the time) people pick up the Bible and the first thing they want to know about is Revelation. I'd argue that Revelation is really not intended to be difficult at all. Consider the name: Revelation. It means to reveal or uncover... not to conceal or hide. Then the whole concept of the Trinity... I don't think we can come up with an adequate explanation that does full justice to the Trinity. And eternity? How can we grasp no beginning and no end? It just does not really compute with our humanity. I could go on, but YES, there are things about the Bible that are difficult... especially for the mind that has not been born again and the spirit quickened to life. But those things that really matter... those are easy. The idea that we are sinners. There is no question. The Bible tells us that ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God. No matter how good you think you are... you are a sinner because we are born into sin. Next... God loves sinners! That is without question! And he loves sinners so much that he has provided a way out by providing our means of salvation by accepting Jesus. And next... If you respond to God's gift of salvation by accepting His Son, Jesus, we are given eternal life.
It's as simple as ABC... A: Admit you are a sinner, B: Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and has paid the price for your sin, C: Confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life. It's that simple, and from there, you have the greatest teacher ever... the Holy Spirit who will teach, guide and lead you into all truth. The problem is people want to know all the answers before they begin and are born again. The answer is to start at the beginning. Surrender your life to Jesus and let Him take care of the rest!
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