One of the things I’ve come to know about God is that
He is the God of “Suddenly.” Very seldom do you see God’s answer come in slow
and systematic ways, and when that is the case, you usually can’t see it until
you look back and see how God was moving in those areas in your life. But
most of the time, God tends to move suddenly. Throughout the Bible our Lord
intervened suddenly in the middle of crisis type circumstances as well as in
daily life. I believe that God has a never-ending supply of suddenly
breakthroughs awaiting each and every one of His children. Do you need wisdom,
healing, strength, insight or provision? Whatever your request, God has the
answer and He is willing, able and ready to help. He knows what it is you have need
of and He is a right now God.
Throughout the Bible, we find examples the suddenly
moments that came as a result of a godly
person or group of people seeking the Lord, praying and trusting the Lord from
the time of prayer until the answer was manifest. Even though there is a
waiting period for the answer, when it does come it often appears SUDDENLY.
Examples of such suddenly moments are:
Acts 2:2-3 “And when the day of Pentecost was fully
come, they were all in one accord in one place, And SUDDENLY there
came from heaven as of a mighty rushing wind, and it filled all the house where
they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire
and it sat upon each of them.”
In Acts 22:6, Saul was on his way to Damascus when he
experienced a SUDDENLY!! “And it came to pass, that, as I made my
way to Damascus about noon, SUDDENLY there shone from heaven a
great light round about me.” Here we see a man who persecuted followers of
Christ. We even read of where as a youth, Saul watched as Stephen (the church’s
first martyr) was being stoned to death. Saul, who later became Paul,
experienced a SUDDENLY with the Lord Jesus as he was on a
journey, having an ordinary day. What a difference a SUDDENLY encounter
with God makes!!
Years later after Saul’s conversion and his name was
changed to Paul, he and Silas were imprisoned. Scripture shows us that instead
of being depressed and disappointed with God the following occurred: “And at
midnight Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners
heard them.” What happened next? (Acts 16:25) “And SUDDENLY, there
was a great earthquake and the foundations of the prison were
shaken and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were
loosed.” Talk about a SUDDENLY!! Notice the suddenly happened as a
result of praying and singing praises to God while still in prison!
Let me ask the reader… What sort of bondage or prison have
you been facing in your life? What’s hindering you in your walk with Jesus?
What’s causing you the most stress and difficulty? What is that that you need
to pray and praise your way out of? May
I tell you that our God is the same God Paul and Silas called upon, so just as
in Paul’s day, God has a breakthrough for you that is just waiting to
become a suddenly in your life! Pray and ask God for that which you have need
of, then begin to praise him for the answer even before you see. It come to
pass. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33 “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His
righteousness and ALL these things shall be added unto you.” Paul said in Romans
8:32–“…how shall he not with him freely give us all things.” My advice to you
today is to even now begin to pray and praise God no matter where you are in
life. Believe God when He says to call upon Him and He will answer. (Psalms
91:15) Don’t give up just because it seems dark and you feel alone! God is
getting ready to “suddenly” breakthrough into your situation! The answer is on
the way if you faint not and continue to pray and praise our expecting the
answer to come because our God is a good God!
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