09 January, 2018

You've Got to Want It

Of late, I’ve found myself quite perplexed at times because I’ve had a couple of different people come to me looking for help and guidance in their lives, and they say they like what I’m saying, they know that what I’m saying is right… but they don’t follow that advice. The truly sad thing is that the “advice” I’ve given them is to return to Christ and surrender their lives completely. So… they hear, they know that the answer is in turning their lives fully over to Christ… but they reject that and try to find another way. I have felt like screaming at the top of my lungs at them and asking them just what they wanted me, or anyone else to do for them. They keep saying they need someone to help… that they cannot do this alone… and the answer is staring them right in the face and they appear to be saying, “There has to be another way.”  I was wrestling with this late last night, unable to sleep over my concern for these two people, and the Holy Spirit directed me to the following Scripture and told me that this is nothing new; that people have been playing the same foolish game for a long, long time.

This is what the Almighty Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:
You can be saved by returning to me.
You can have rest.
You can be strong by being quiet and by trusting me.
But you don’t want that.
Isaiah 30:15 (God’s Word Translation)

For the two people that I’m referring to, as well as to anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation where you feel like you are sinking and cannot go on, I implore you, listen, not just to Pastor D this time, but to what the Word of God says to you! The answer is right before you. The rest, the strength and peace of mind you are searching for is standing at the door of your heart knocking… but you and you alone must open the door and let him in. You’ve got to want it HIS way, not yours. Until then, life will continue to spiral out of control.

I love you guys and I pray you make the right decision before you crash.  

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