10 December, 2010

Shower Ideas

OK, strange topic today... but hey, it's me... and if you have not figured it out yet, I am a bit strange. Ask anyone who sits under my ministry and they will tell you that I'm just liable to say or do anything.  So, today I'm just carrying on that tradition in blog form.  
Yesterday I had a great idea while I was in the shower.  A couple of weeks ago I came up with the complete outline for a book I've been trying to write for 7 years. And I got to wondering, do any of you ever have ideas or profound thoughts come to you while you are in the shower? I often do. In fact, I say that I probably do some of my best thinking while I am in the shower.  

I have told my church that one of my best places to pray is while I am in the shower. (I know, some of you think that is so sacrilegious... but get over it.) It's just a fact that is true for me. One of the reasons is that when I am in the shower it is one of the few quiet times I have in the day. Think through that with me... You cannot read a book or newspaper in the shower. There are usually no interruptions, no phone calls, no television. (Although I do know some people who have TV's in their bathroom so they can watch TV while they are in the shower.) It's basically "alone" time and I utilize this time as a prayer time, but I have also learned to use this time as a great time to be alone in my thoughts and I have some of my best ideas while I am in the shower. Maybe that's why so many people think my ideas are all wet? (Sorry, just couldn't hold that one in.)  It's a great time to think, and I'll be honest, I don't think enough people actually spend time in thought any more.

Thinking is important.  Paul wrote in Philippians 4:8, “finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things.  It is not God's aim for us to "empty ourselves" of all things, as some people teach. God gave us a brain and the ability to think. He said in His word, "come let us reason together."  To "reason" takes thought. God wants us to think. He wants YOU to think, not simply to mindlessly follow someone else or the flow of society.

I want to challenge you today, take some time to think. No, you don't necessarily have to be in the shower, but it your life is as hectic as mine sometimes is, you might want to give it a try. While you are thinking, may I suggest that you spend some time thinking about the good things God has done for you and is doing even now in your behalf. I've found that when I am spending time being thankful, clarity of life's situations often comes to mind and I begin to see from a new perspective. Take 20 -30 minutes doing this, and then come back and share with me the things that come to your mind. I'll be willing to bet that you begin finding some "think time" in your life on a regular basis if you try this for a few days and begin to discover what it does for you.

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