It's Thanksgiving break time and my son is home from college, and once again, I realize how blessed we are. While many parents are worried about their kids out partying their break away, I'm sitting in my living room watching Daniel (Tito to his friends) and three others who graduated with him last year who are all home from college as they play Nintendo.
It's really funny, because earlier Daniel had a couple of girls over to visit and he made them some cookies and started watching a movie. When they left, just a few minutes later, the house was invaded by Al, Sly and Kyle. (I find it odd that they boys did not come over until after the girls left.) Watching and listening to these guys is really a riot, because they are screaming at the game on the TV, asking it questions and it seems as if they are actually expecting a response from the TV. I'm so thankful because all these guys are Christians and I'm so glad to see that after they've all been away from home for a few months and they come back home to the Burg, they are not out looking for a party, but what has been poured into their lives is still real and evident in their lives. Hey, I realize they are not perfect, but they are good kids, and I'm just thankful that they choose to come sit in our home and play games rather than chasing after what so many others would choose when they come home from college.There is hope parents!
Hey it's XBOX, not Nintendo! ;)
Oh hey, check out my new blog, Poetic Justice!
:) I figured my Dad won't get too mad for advertising here!
OK... X Box.
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